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What are Smart Contracts?

Smart contracts are essentially bits of code that is stored, verified and executed across a distributed, decentralized blockchain network. These applications with the ability to self-execute when certain preprogrammed conditions are met take full advantage of the blockchain technology: permanence and censorship resistance. Basically, any DApp, DAO, or other blockchain-based application is built using smart contracts code. E-currex will help you realize any enterprise blockchain-based application; whether you are looking to build a smart financial instrument, a real estate assets management platform, or merely a means to complement your legal contracts.


Custom Blockchain-Based Software
  • Blockchain solutions
  • Crowdfunding technology
  • Private blockchain development
  • Ethereum-based token wallets
  • Smart contracts design
  • Financial & trading platforms
  • Trading Intelligence platforms
  • Decentralized apps development


  • Smart Contracts and Blockchain Development Partner

    E-currex offers smart contracts and blockchain development services. Whether you need your own decentralized network-managed system or a cryptocurrency, E-currex is your #1 go-to partner for blockchain-based solutions development.
  • Blockchain Consulting & Development

    E-currex provides blockchain consulting services for various industries: healthcare, fintech startups, banking & stock trading companies, insurance, and logistics.
  • Smart Contracts Design & Implementation

    Using one of the leading blockchain platforms – Ethereum – our company can assist with developing advanced smart contracts for your blockchain-based projects.
  • ICO Consulting

    We can help you run a professional ICO campaign. Starting with proper documentation and white papers followed by a functional prototype or MVP.
  • Decentralized Applications Development

    Our expertise spans across building, managing, and integrating industry-specific decentralized blockchain applications (also known as DApps).
  • oT Systems Integration

    Development of a multi-component IoT platform as an integral part of a blockchain solution can significantly increase its value and ease up your ICO launch.
  • Wallets & Exchange Solutions

    Protection of traditional wallets and multi-signature wallets for enhanced security. We develop stable and safe cryptocurrency exchanges.


Blockchain POC Development

Blockchain POC development is the process of building a business concept based on blockchain technology, assessing it, and implementing it as either a prototype or a Minimum Viable Product.
  1. Analytics Stage

    At this stage, the viable plan, project criteria, and theoretical use cases are defined to create a clear vision of the project and convey it to all parties involved.
  2. Prototype Stage

    Building a blockchain project prototype allows validating the concept and demonstrating features. This draft visualizes how the product will function.
  3. MVP Stage

    An MVP emerges when it comes to trying out the blockchain product in the long run. It includes a basic set of features and provides direct user engagement.


  • Blockchain Solutions For Your Industry
  • Finance

    Blockchain-based banks and clearinghouses have much more optimized workflows and provide more value to customers in comparison to regular financial institutions.
  • Logistics

    Smart contracts help reduce administrative burden in transportation companies while blockchain-based IoT systems ensure cargo safety and control at all transit stages.
  • Real Estate

    Using blockchain you can manage, track, and transfer land titles and property deeds without copious amounts of paperwork and intermediaries.
  • Consumer Markets

    Music streaming is a good example of an end-user oriented business: artists can earn royalties without a record label.
  • Healthcare & Insurance

    Electronic medical records backed by the blockchain technology make up a virtually incorruptible cryptographic database.
  • nternet of Things

    Decentralized networks of IoT endpoints. Organize secure data exchange and smart sensors working together as a system.
  • Ethereum — Backbone for Smart Contracts Developmen

    Ethereum is the next-generation peer-to-peer technology blockchain platform that allows not only exchange of cryptocurrency & assets, but also supports transactions with program logic known as smart contracts.


Smart Contracts Advantages

  • Security

    Smart contracts are immutable, and blockchain solutions rely heavily on cryptography, which makes this technology highly stable against virtual attacks.
  • Cost reduction

    Removing intermediaries from the value generating process obviously reduces costs of operations: ideal solution for all sorts of transactions.
  • Autonomy

    The deterministic nature of smart contracts makes them tamper-proof: the terms of a contract are executed automatically, by algorithms.

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